Saturday, June 23, 2012

MOVING, Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall

OK, now that you have properly staged your house with an Accredited Staging Professional (ASP) and your realtor has given you the good news that the property has sold and gone to it's time to move. If you're moving this summer, the busiest season for relocation, as families take off from work and school, the transition can be daunting. Thankfully, by planning in advance, a professionally staged home can eliminate some stress and delays. Here's why. 1. Staging your home prepared your property for sale and the way you think about the house. You made a mental shift to let go of any emotional attachment and focus on the fact that soon it will belong to someone else 2. Next, you have already de-personalized and de-cluttered. You packed early in the process. You have donated, recycled, gave to friends, put in storage and purged all your stuff. If the property looks like you no longer live there - you are getting close. 3. Now, you can delete the above items from your to-do-list and decide whether you will need full serve, partial serve or do-it-yourself move for the remaining items. Can you do it alone or should you hire a licensed moving company? The answer depends on your lifestyle, budget, household size and amount of time you have to get everything accomplished. 4. Take photos of each room in the new house before you arrive with furniture, plants, appliances and family in tow. Write down where each item should go in your next home and carry it with you on moving day. 5. Moving is not child's play. Plan ahead. Consider daycare on moving day or get help from a friend or family member. 6. Take pictures of electronic hook-ups. Hooking up TV's, DVR's, home theater systems and computers can be challenging. Before unplugging any wires, take a photo of the connection, print them out and label them in detail. Keep track of loose wires using baggies or boxes that are clearly labeled and personally carry these items on moving day. 7. Finally, after you have moved into your new home, call your home stager for ideas to assist you in furniture placement, design and color to achieve that model home look.